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Target species scientific name Common name(s) Geographic location IUCN Red List status Purpose(s) of end use Practice of use Record considered ecologically sustainable / unsustainable Publication date Entered
Crocodylus Acutus Crocodile ( NNg'wena or Ng'na) in local Cibemba or Cinyanja Languages respectively. Zambia
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Collection/display, Learning and education, Scientific Research, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Decorative and aesthetic, Materials and construction Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2013 9 months 4 weeks ago
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture Benin
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Collection/display, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals Yes, considered unsustainable 2024 7 months 1 week ago
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded vulture Zimbabwe
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals Yes, considered unsustainable 2018 6 months 4 weeks ago
Neophron oercnopterus Egyptian vultures Nigeria
Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2020 6 months 3 weeks ago
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vultures Nigeria
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2013 6 months 4 weeks ago
Gyps coprotheres Cape vulture South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Recreation Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Zimbabwe
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals Yes, considered unsustainable 2018 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps africanus White-baked vulture Nigeria
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2020 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Nigeria
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2013 6 months 3 weeks ago
Torgos tracheliotos Lappet-faced Vulture Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2016 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Sub-Saharan Africa
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2016 6 months 3 weeks ago
Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2016 6 months 3 weeks ago
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture Sub-Saharan Africa
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2016 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps rueppellii Rüppell's Vulture Sub-Saharan Africa
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2016 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gypaetus barbatus Bearded Vulture Sub-Saharan Africa
Near Threatened
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2016 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps coprotheres Cape Vulture Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2016 6 months 3 weeks ago
Torgos tracheliotos Lappet-faced Vulture South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture South Africa
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis Sub-Saharan Africa
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2016 6 months 3 weeks ago
Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Other -- Poisining incidents Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2021 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Guinea-Bissau
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2018 6 months 3 weeks ago
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture Guinea-Bissau
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2018 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps rueppelli Rüppells Vulture Guinea-Bissau
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2018 6 months 3 weeks ago
Trigonoceps occipitalis White-headed Vulture South Africa
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gypohierax angolensis Palm-nut Vulture South Africa
Least Concern
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture South Africa
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gypaetus barbatus Bearded Vulture South Africa
Near Threatened
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps coprotheres Cape Vulture South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture Burkina Faso
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Trigonoceps occipitalis White-headed Vulture Burkina Faso
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture Burkina Faso
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps rueppellii Rüppells Vulture Burkina Faso
Critically Endangered
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2022 6 months 3 weeks ago
Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture Ethiopia, Gambia, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2017 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps coprotheres Cape Vulture Sub-Saharan Africa, Botswana, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2017 6 months 3 weeks ago
Gyps rueppelli Rüppell’s Vulture Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, United Republic of
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals not recorded 2017 6 months 3 weeks ago