Record: Submission #673
Crocodylus Acutus
Crocodile ( NNg'wena or Ng'na) in local Cibemba or Cinyanja Languages respectively.
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Collection/display, Learning and education, Scientific Research, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Decorative and aesthetic, Materials and construction
not recorded
9 months 4 weeks ago
Record: Submission #860
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded Vulture
Medicine and hygiene, Collection/display, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
Yes, considered unsustainable
7 months 1 week ago
Record: Submission #867
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded vulture
Medicine and hygiene
Yes, considered unsustainable
6 months 4 weeks ago
Record: Submission #869
Neophron oercnopterus
Egyptian vultures
Medicine and hygiene
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #868
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded Vultures
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene
not recorded
6 months 4 weeks ago
Record: Submission #870
Gyps coprotheres
Cape vulture
South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Recreation
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #874
Gyps africanus
White-backed Vulture
Medicine and hygiene
Yes, considered unsustainable
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #877
Gyps africanus
White-baked vulture
Medicine and hygiene
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #875
Gyps africanus
White-backed Vulture
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #884
Torgos tracheliotos
Lappet-faced Vulture
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #880
Gyps africanus
White-backed Vulture
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #879
Neophron percnopterus
Egyptian Vulture
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #883
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded Vulture
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #881
Gyps rueppellii
Rüppell's Vulture
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #878
Gypaetus barbatus
Bearded Vulture
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #882
Gyps coprotheres
Cape Vulture
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #892
Torgos tracheliotos
Lappet-faced Vulture
South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #893
Gyps africanus
White-backed Vulture
South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #886
White-headed Vulture
Trigonoceps occipitalis
Sub-Saharan Africa
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #887
Neophron percnopterus
Egyptian Vulture
North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Other -- Poisining incidents
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #890
Gyps africanus
White-backed Vulture
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #891
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded Vulture
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #889
Gyps rueppelli
Rüppells Vulture
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #894
Trigonoceps occipitalis
White-headed Vulture
South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #899
Gypohierax angolensis
Palm-nut Vulture
South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #895
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded Vulture
South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #898
Gypaetus barbatus
Bearded Vulture
South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #897
Gyps coprotheres
Cape Vulture
South Africa
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #900
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded Vulture
Burkina Faso
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #903
Trigonoceps occipitalis
White-headed Vulture
Burkina Faso
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #902
Gyps africanus
White-backed Vulture
Burkina Faso
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #904
Gyps rueppellii
Rüppells Vulture
Burkina Faso
Medicine and hygiene, Ceremony, religious, and ritual expression
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #906
Necrosyrtes monachus
Hooded Vulture
Ethiopia, Gambia, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #905
Gyps coprotheres
Cape Vulture
Sub-Saharan Africa, Botswana, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago
Record: Submission #907
Gyps rueppelli
Rüppell’s Vulture
Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, United Republic of
Food and feed, Medicine and hygiene
not recorded
6 months 3 weeks ago