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Target species scientific name Common name(s) Geographic location IUCN Red List status Purpose(s) of end use Practice of use Record considered ecologically sustainable / unsustainable Publication date Entered
Cacatua sulphurea Yellow-crested cockatoo, Lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo, Kakatua-kecil jambul-kuning Indonesia
Critically Endangered
Keeping/companionship/display Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals Yes, considered unsustainable 2008 1 year 5 months ago
Pongo abelii Sumatran Orangutan Indonesia
Critically Endangered
Keeping/companionship/display Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals Yes, considered unsustainable 2009 2 years 3 months ago
Rhynchobatus australiae Bottlenose wedgefish Indonesia, Indian Ocean - eastern
Critically Endangered
Food and feed Targeted fishing harvesting/exploiting or collecting wild aquatic resources Yes, considered unsustainable 2023 1 year 6 months ago
Sphyrna lewini Scalloped hammerhead shark Indonesia, Indian Ocean - western
Critically Endangered
Food and feed, Decorative and aesthetic Targeted fishing harvesting/exploiting or collecting wild aquatic resources No, sustainability not determined 2023 1 year 6 months ago