Species Use Database

Common quail
Coturnix coturnix

Used for Food and feed in India

A. Species

Scientific name: Coturnix coturnix

Common name(s): Common quail

Global IUCN Red List Threat Status: Least Concern

B. Location of use

Geographic location(s):

  • India


C. Scale of assessment

Scale of assessment: local restaurant

Name/Details of location: A sample of fully cooked meat was seized from a restaurant located in Murshidabad district of West Bengal, India by the Officials of Eastern Regional Office – Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB), West Bengal.

D. Timescale of use

Start Year: 2019

End Year: 2019

E. Information about the use

How is the wild species sourced?: Wild species sourced from its natural habitat and Wild species born/bred and raised/produced in captivity or through artificial propagation

Type of use: Extractive

Practice of use: Hunting and/or Trapping of live terrestrial and aerial animals

Lethal or non-lethal: Lethal

Does this use involve take/extraction of: The whole entire organism

Purpose(s) of end use: Food and feed

Motivation of use: Basic subsistence and Income generation from trade (individual/household/community)

Is this use legal or illegal?: not recorded

F. Information about the Users

Which stakeholder(s) does the record primarily focus on?: Local people

G. Information about the sustainability of use

Is there evidence that the use is having an impact on the target species?: Wild species sourced from its natural habitat and Wild species born/bred and raised/produced in captivity or through artificial propagation

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from an ecological perspective been recorded?: not recorded

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from an economic perspective been recorded?: not recorded

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from a social perspective been recorded?: not recorded

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from a human health perspective been recorded?: not recorded

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from an animal health/welfare perspective been recorded?: not recorded

Recommendations provided in the record to maintain or enhance the sustainability of the use of the target species


Record source

Information about the record source: own_res_data_knowledge

Date of publication/issue/production: 2019-01-01T00:00:00+0000

Source Reference(s):

Avijit Ghosh, Shambadeb Basu, Gul Jabin, Hiren Khatri, Sujeet K. Singh, Gopinathan Maheswaran, Kailash Chandra, Mukesh Thakur,
Wildlife forensics in voiding false offences: A case study to deal with unidentified cooked meat,
Forensic Science International: Reports,
Volume 1,
ISSN 2665-9107,

Date of record entry: 2024-06-29

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