Species Use Database

venus clam
Anomalocardia flexuosa

Used for Food and feed in Goiás

A. Species

Scientific name: Anomalocardia flexuosa

Common name(s): venus clam

Global IUCN Red List Threat Status:

B. Location of use

Geographic location(s):

  • Goiás

Country/Region: Brazil

C. Scale of assessment

Scale of assessment: Individual Site

Name/Details of location: community of Acaú in the Extractive Reserves (ER) of Goiana Estuary complex in Northeast Brazil

D. Timescale of use

Start Year: 2015

End Year: 2015

E. Information about the use

How is the wild species sourced?: Wild species sourced from its natural habitat

Type of use: Extractive

Practice of use: Targeted fishing harvesting/exploiting or collecting wild aquatic resources

Lethal or non-lethal: Lethal

Does this use involve take/extraction of: The whole entire organism

Purpose(s) of end use: Food and feed

Motivation of use: Basic subsistence and Income generation from trade (individual/household/community)

Is this use legal or illegal?: Legal under national law

F. Information about the Users

Which stakeholder(s) does the record primarily focus on?: Local people

G. Information about the sustainability of use

Is there evidence that the use is having an impact on the target species?: Wild species sourced from its natural habitat

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from an ecological perspective been recorded?: No, sustainability not determined

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from an economic perspective been recorded?: Yes, considered sustainable

Details of assessment carried out: this study

Brief summary on why the use has been assessed/judged to be sustainable or unsustainable: Authors emphasise, however, that ecological sustainability of current harvest levels in general, nor of each of the 3 harvest methods specifically, hneeds to be ascertained through population assessment and monitoring. They emphasise that: "An update of the 2017 Fisheries Agreement will need to account for a range of ecological and economic trade-offs and of the shellfish collection technique employed in the area. Ecologically, economically and socially meaningful management strategies will help to achieve key Sustainable Development Goals, including an ‘Improvement of Life Under Water’ (Goal 14) through sustainable resource management"

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from a social perspective been recorded?: Yes, considered sustainable

Details of assessment carried out: this study

Brief summary on why the use has been assessed/judged to be sustainable or unsustainable: Authors emphasise, however, that ecological sustainability of current harvest levels in general, nor of each of the 3 harvest methods specifically, hneeds to be ascertained through population assessment and monitoring. They emphasise that: "An update of the 2017 Fisheries Agreement will need to account for a range of ecological and economic trade-offs and of the shellfish collection technique employed in the area. Ecologically, economically and socially meaningful management strategies will help to achieve key Sustainable Development Goals, including an ‘Improvement of Life Under Water’ (Goal 14) through sustainable resource management"

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from a human health perspective been recorded?: not recorded

Has an assessment (or judgement) of sustainability of the use of the target species from an animal health/welfare perspective been recorded?: not recorded

Recommendations provided in the record to maintain or enhance the sustainability of the use of the target species

Authors advocate the need of future studies determine age/size of sexual maturity of the local A. flexuosa stock and the abundance of mature specimens to assess whether the current dipnet mesh (and grading size) is sustainable. Furthermore, rules should be included regarding the ecologically appropriate locations for return of undersized clams (i.e. intertidal or shallow infralittoral zones.). They further suggest a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of the in all fishing areas and, depending on the availability of such sites, in unfished control areas. They emphasise that, to establish ecologically and socially adequate quota, it will also be necessary to determine collecting-technique specific yields locally.

Record source

Information about the record source: scientific_pub

Date of publication/issue/production: 2021-01-01T00:00:00+0000

Source Reference(s):

da Silva Mourão, J., Baracho, R. L., de Faria Lopes, S., Medeiros, M. C., & Diele, K. (2021). The harvesting process and fisheries production of the venus clam Anomalocardia flexuosa in a Brazilian extractive reserve, with implications for gender-sensitive management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 213, 105878.

Date of record entry: 2023-01-05